We are still here and the geese are back
Posted on 13th September 2019 at 16:26
We are still here and the geese are back - ** data entry update **
First thing to say is that we continue to be enormously appreciative of everyone bearing with us and patiently waiting for the new system to come online. We were actually very close to a launch of the website earlier in 2019, and due to a number of factors technical and otherwise, when we could have launched the system in spring, it was so close to the end of the season we thought let’s just not rush for the sake of getting a flawed system launched.
I should also say that the issues are many and varied and that these relate to people’s availability, software and other technical issues. Throughout, Graham has been very patient at trying to encourage progress, keeping you informed as best he can (but not necessarily knowing the day-to-day technical issues) and in no way should the slow progress be ascribed to Graham.
Not to be too self-critical, this has been a big undertaking, designed chiefly to ease the administrative burden at Graham’s end, to increase efficiency in data handling, processing and output – so very much short-term pain for long-term gain. Hard to get right, complicated and not core paid jobs for any of us. We have all invested a great deal of time, money and effort to move this along – not least Stuart and Rich who, in particular, basically have made it all happen. And we are confident it will be worth it!
So there is some background. What next?
Well we have finally seemed to make some progress with our designers after months of inactivity on all fronts.
Our first job is to ensure that all the outstanding data (for 2018/19) gets uploaded onto the system - thousands of records are involved there of course. That is in various formats and Graham has already been in touch with many of you about that
Once we've that all uploaded and checked we will start to generate summary outputs from the year (2018/19) as soon as possible
At the same time we will be working on the database to run checks on the data entry (so you can enter 2019/20 data directly), and on the data output formats and web interface
We expect to be contracting the database/software designers to make further changes, improvements and so forth over the coming 6 months so that we can have an evolving fit-for-purpose online system
Thank you for bearing with us. We are going to have to ask for your continued patience over the coming season.
We will be in touch later this month with guidance on what to do next - links for the database, data entry codes etc.
There are geese in - thousands of them - so please record data onto notebooks or spreadsheet (ask Graham or I for a template for the spreadsheet if you need it - grahammcelwaineATbtinternet.com or kcolhounATbtinternet.com).
Very best wishes, Kendrew (on behalf of the group)
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